There are many aspects to training, these include; self-defence, patterns, fitness & flexibility, competition sparring, set sparring & power testing.
For the adult student the testing of power & skill by breaking boards is introduced at blue belt level, with both hand and foot techniques required for promotion.
There are ten coloured belt grades in TaeKwon-Do, and six colours of belt that signify the wearer’s rank. The coloured belt grades are known as "kup" and the black belt is called a "Degree". The beginner starts their training as a 10th kup and will take their first grading after approximately 3 months (training twice a week), progressing to 9th kup. This is indicated by a yellow stripe on the white belt, as this is an intermediate grade between white and yellow belt.
The colours of the belts have a significance and this can be compared to the stages in life of a growing plant or tree, which symbolises the knowledge of TaeKwon-Do growing within the student.
Taekwon-do is the scientific use of the body in the method of self-defence, a body that has gained the ultimate use of its facilities through intensive physical and mental training. This training is the mortar for building a strong sense of justice fortitude humility and resolve. It is this mental conditioning that separates the true practitioner from the sensationalist, content on mastering only the fighting aspect of the art.
This is one reason that Taekwon-do is called an art of self-defence. It also implies a way of thinking and life, particularly in instilling a concept and spirit of strict self-imposed discipline and an ideal of noble moral rearmament.
Translated literally
Tae - stands for jumping or flying, to kick or smash with the foot.
Kwon - denotes the fist, chiefly to punch or destroy with the hand or fist.
Do - means an art or way, the right way built and paved by the saints and sages in the past.
Thus collectively Taekwon-do indicates the mental training and the techniques of unarmed combat for self-defence as well as health, involving the skilled application of punches, kicks, blocks and dodges with bare hands and feet to the
rapid destruction of the moving opponent or opponents.
Taekwon-do definitely enables the weak to posses a fine weapon together with confidence to defend him or herself and defeat the opponent as well. Of course, wrongly applied, Taekwon-do can be a lethal weapon. Therefore mental training must always be stressed to prevent the student from misusing it.
The core ideals of TaeKwon-Do training are to build, not only a healthy body but to develop a focussed mind, a strong spirit & an ethical set of moral values. These 5 ideals are known as “The Tenets of Taekwon-Do” & are a very important part of the TaeKwon-Do training, they are;
Courtesy (Ye Ui)
To be polite to your instructors, seniors, fellow students & others.
Integrity (Yom Chi)
To be honest with yourself, & others, to know the difference between right & wrong.
Perseverance (In Nae)
To keep trying to achieve your goals, to never give up but to persevere.
Self-Control (Guk Gi)
To never lose your temper. Martial arts carry a great responsibility & the student must respect his opponents, to lose your temper can prove to be very dangerous. Learn to live, work & train within your capabilities.
Indomitable Spirit (Baekjul Boolgool)
To show courage, when you & your principles are pitted against overwhelming odds.
The Tenets of Taekwon-Do
TaeKwon-Do is the Korean Martial Art of Self defence, it may seem relatively young only officially being named on the 11th April 1955 but Its roots can be traced back more than 1300 years to the 6th century AD. Its birth Followed extensive research and development by General Choi Hong Hi 9th Degree Grand Master, better known as the father of modern TaeKwon-Do.
After studying various Korean arts of self defence and spending considerable time in Japan learning Shotokan Karate, he modernised, combined and refined these arts to give us TaeKwon-Do.
General Choi was born in Korea on the 9th November 1918, he made it his lifelong mission to promote TaeKwon-Do not only as a self defence but also as a moral standard for how we should live our lives, by the time of his death on 15th June 2002 there were an estimated 50 million practitioners worldwide a legacy he was truly proud of. Not only does training develop your fitness, concentration, self confidence and self esteem but by adhering to the Tenets of TaeKwon-Do, General Choi hoped to make the student a better person and ultimately the world a better place.
There are several styles of TaeKwon-Do, we teach the true version faithful to the vision and values of General Choi.
PRO©EDGE 2009 - 2017