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Mr Robin Blair 6th Degree International Instructor & Examiner
Mr Blair began training in TaeKwon-Do in 1980 under Mr Ronnie Wright 4th degree (WTF) at a school in Polbeth, West Lothian. Little did he realise the journey he was about to undertake? After a year of training Mr Blair entered his first full contact tournament, in which he won a bronze medal. He later went on to become both Scottish & British Champion, holding these titles for several years. In 1984 Mr Blair travelled to London and graded for 1st Degree under the BTCB Olympic Committee, after which he competed on the International stage winning many medals for sparring.

In 1988 due to work commitments, Mr Wright asked Mr Blair to take over the running of his school that had now relocated to Broxburn. Although a relatively young Instructor it wasn’t long before the school started to make its mark on the competition circuit, producing many champions that included Mr Gary Lumsden, Mr Tony Collum and Miss Michelle Redmond.
Due to his success Mr Blair was invited in 1989 by Grand Master T K Loh to grade for 2nd degree. Mr Blair commented that ‘To this day Grand Master Loh is still the most technical exponent of the Martial Arts I have ever witnessed, with a power that belies his stature. It was my privilege to be his student’. It was during this period that TaeKwon-Do became a fully pledged Olympic Sport and with this came the politics of team selection.
In 1991 after much thought and friendly advice from Master Mark Hutton 7th Degree, Mr Blair affiliated to the UKTF (ITF). This was quite a transition for Mr Blair, having to learn not only new patterns but also a completely different fighting style. He persevered and soon settled into his new role bringing something of his own technique it wasn’t long before his school was winning medals nation-wide. In 1996 he graded to 3rd Degree under the watchful eye of Master Sheena Sutherland 8th Degree.
Constantly wanting to improve his TaeKwon-Do Mr Blair attended numerous Technical Seminars, Studying under the direction of Master Willem Bos, Mr Stephan Tapilatu and Mr Tomaz Barada. He was humbled to train on several occasions under General Choi Hong Hi 9th Degree Grand Master. The pinnacle of which in 2000 he travelled with Master Sutherland and Mr Hutton to Portsmouth, where he graded and was awarded his 4th Degree by General Choi himself.

Mr Blair continued to train his students to the highest standard and was proud when in 2000 seven of his Blackbelts were selected for the Scottish Squad, who went on to compete in the European Championships at Meadowbank, Edinburgh. In 2001 Mr Blair parted from the UKTF and affiliated to Impact, with Master Donato Nardizzi 8th Degree. This however was short lived and he soon left to become a founding member of TKD Scotland. In 2005 he graded to 5th Degree with the new ITF Technical Committee. He was honoured to sit under Grand Master Marano, Grand Master Trajtenberg and Master Bos 8th Degree. Mr Blair would like to take this opportunity to thank Master Hutton 7th Degree for the many months of preparation helping to make this possible.

After problems affiliating to ITF Scotland Mr Blair left TKD Scotland in 2006, he was welcomed back into the UKTF by Master Sutherland that same year. Due to the ever changing face of TaeKwon-Do, in January 2010 Mr Blair made the brave decision to go independent. Thus allowing the Academy freedom to work with other groups and organisations on equal terms.

Most recently at the IIC in Tralee, Ireland in January 2011, Mr Blair was promoted to 6th Degree by the ITF Technical Committee consisting once more of Grand Master’s Trajtenberg, Bos & Marano. GM Bos took time to praise Mr Blair for his dedication to TaeKwon-Do, his Knowledge and ever improving ability.
Mr Blair continues to be very pro active regarding his personal training with strength and conditioning playing a fundamental part of his class regime. He has a respect for and has trained in many other Martial Arts, believing this will help TaeKwon-do evolve into a 21st Century Martial Art and a complete fighting system.
Mr Blair’s overall goal is to maximize every students potential, he has had the pleasure to train both World and European Champions.

A message from our Instructor:

‘I would like to thank all my instructors, students and volunteers whom with their help have made all things possible’.

Mr Robin Blair 6th Degree.
Mr Stewart Mellon
2nd Degree
Assistant Instructor
2004 - Commenced TaeKwon-Do with Mr Robin Blair 6th degree.
2009 - Promoted to 1st degree by Master Sheena Sutherland UKTF.
2013 - Promoted to 2nd Degree by Mr Robin Blair 6th Degree.



Mr Ronnie Dewhurst
4th Degree 
International Instructor
1996 - Commenced TaeKwon-Do with Mr Charles Henry 1st Degree, later Mr Alan Barton 2nd Degree.
1998 - Began training with Mr Robin Blair 6th Degree.
2000 - Promoted to 1st degree by Master Sheena Sutherland UKTF.
2006 - Promoted to 2nd Degree by Master Mark Hutton TKD Scotland.
2009 - Promoted to 3rd Degree by Master Sheena Sutherland UKTF.
2013 - Promoted to 4th Degree by Master Gordon Wallace NTA
Most recent activities include : 
2008 - UKTF British -63kg sparring silver medalist. 
2008 - TKD 3rd World Cup (Italy) -68kg sparring.
International Instructors & Umpire Courses - England 2006, Ireland 2008, Spain 2009, Ireland 2011, Ireland 2012.
2012 - World Cup (Brighton) gold medal team pattern, silver medal team sparring